Monday, June 30, 2008

Jeremy & Elizabeth

Jeremy & Elizabeth were married on June 14th-and we had a beautiful day for a wedding! I have actually known Jeremy for about 10 years now-he was one of the groomsmen in my wedding(6.5 years ago)! I had a fun day with them-and I hope they enjoyed themselves too! Here are a few of my favorites from the day.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Shyanna is turning 2!!

This little sweetie just came in this past week for her 2 year old pictures. Mom brought a few different outfits in to document this stage in her life. We started with her swimming suit-which is just darling by the way-and she brought along her giant beach ball and a few sand buckets. Then we set up the flag background-since she will turn 2 right around the 4th of July. She was getting a little tired by this point-but we managed to get some good shots before she was totally done! Here are a few of my favorites from the session.

Happy Birthday Shyanna-even though I'm a little early!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rob & Kim

I had the pleasure of shooting a wedding this past weekend for another photographer in Rockford-Better Image Photography. The wedding was an outdoor ceremony and reception in Stillman Valley. Not long before the ceremony was supposed to start, a big storm was heading our way. Luckily we just got the rain and not a lot of wind or lightning! The ceremony started a bit later than planned and it was a little wet out there-but that didn't bring down their spirits!!
Congratulations Rob & Kim-and I'm sure with all that rain you will have lots of good luck for the rest of your lives!

Ryan & Lisa

What a great day for a wedding-we had a nice blue sky along with a great looking couple! They were married at St. Mary's in Durand-the church was beautiful. They were a traditional couple and did not wish to see each other before the ceremony-so we did as much as we could before the ceremony and finished up immediately following the ceremony so they had plenty of time to hang out with their friends before the reception started.

Congratulations Ryan & Lisa-hope you enjoy your sneak peak-your online gallery is coming soon!