Senior Models are wanted to represent the studio for the 2010-2011 school year!! I am looking for 1-2 seniors from each of the surrounding schools, including-but not limited to: Pearl City, Le-Win, Stockton, Orangeville, Freeport, West Carroll, Eastland, Forreston, and I know I'm forgetting a lot-but you get the idea!! There will be incentives to being a model-including free/discounted portraits, rep cards with your images to give to your friends and more!!
So-if you are interested in becoming a senior model send an email to me at tamararoach@hotmail.com with the following information.
Email address
Facebook profile
Parent/guardian name and phone
High School
School Activites-Interests-Hobbies and anything else you want me to know about YOU
Also tell me why you would make a good model for Tamara Roach Photography.
Limited spaces are available-so get your application in soon so your don't miss out!!
Applications are due by April 25th!!